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Sublime Text Plugin: StataEditor

Sublime Text and Stata Integration

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Sublime Text and Stata Integration

StataEditor is a Sublime Text 3 plugin that integrates closely with Stata. It allows you to use Sublime Text's main features (syntax highlighting, autocompletion, snippets, build systems, goto symbols, etc.) interactively with Stata, so you can fully take advantage of the Sublime Text workflow in Stata.





Stata Path

Using Stata

Quick Overview

Syntax Highlighting

To use the Stata package and syntax highlighting, you can either i) save the file as a Stata type (.do .ado .mata), ii) click on the lower right corner, or iii) type "syntax: stata" in the Command Palette

Syntax Highlighting

Executing Code

To do or run the file, press ctrl+b (do) or ctrl+shift+b (run), or go to the Build menu. Note that building a file is the Sublime Text equivalent of do and run in Stata.

Build Menu

A do-file can be run in its entirety, as seen below, but also partially when part of the code is selected.

Animate Build


To use a snippet, just start writing it and then press Tab:

Snippet Example

To see all available snippets, press "snip" in the Command Palette or go to Tools - Snippets.

Snippet Palette

Snippets are "intelligent" and allow to be completed in order, indicating variables, options, etc. Within a snippet, press Tab to go to the next value:

Snippet Animation

Go To Symbol

You can jump to different sections of the do-file with the ctrl+g shortcut. Currently, it recognizes program declarations and "header comments". To insert a header comment, use the "header" snippet (type "head", then Tab).


Technical note: a header comment is just a line that starts with "// " (nothing before the slashes, and a space after them).


Pressing the F1 key will search for the help file of any selected word and try to open it in Sublime Text. Pressing shift+F1 will do the same but opening it in the Stata Viewer.


Using the Autocomplete Snippet

Autocomplete Snippet

Autocomplete Snippet

Autocomplete Snippet

The dtapaths line can be customizable:

Autocomplete Snippet

Dataset Autocompletion

Just press ctrl+space if you are in a line that has a "use" or "using" strings. If the Stata window was still closed, you may need to press it again.

Dataset Autocompletion

Variable Autocompletion

Press ctrl+shift+space anywhere in the do file:

Variable Autocompletion - All

Select all the variables that you want and press Esc to exit the menu.

The first option allows you to filter by dataset:

Variable Autocompletion - Dta

Notice the "(current)" dataset. It has all the variables generated with gen and egen, as well as the ones in the dataset currently open in Stata.

Variable Autocompletion - Current

When filtering by a saved dataset, the variables that sort the dataset will be shown first and a * will be next to them:

Variable Autocompletion - Filter

Example: Autocompletion + Snippets = Fun

Select the uselong snippet


It will move the caret exactly where you want.


Now press ctrl+space, and select the dataset from the list of avaiable datasets



Now press Tab to move the caret to the varlist, and press ctrl+shift+space. Notice that the using dataset will be automatically selected!


Add as many variables as you want. Remember that the ones prefixed by a * are sorting the data.


Available Commands

To see all available commands, you can either use the menu (Tools - Stata) or the Command Palette (ctrl+shift+p, then type "stata:"):

Menu Bar Menu

Command Palette Palette

Known issues (taken from Mattias'

Orphan Stata Window After Closing

The development of this package is still in beta and may contain bugs, so use at your own risk and make sure you backup your data. When running code from ST3, a new instance of Stata is opened. If you close ST3, then that instance will also close, though it may take around five minutes before that happens. Note that Stata will not ask you whether you want to save the data but will close without warning. Therefore, do not use an instance of Stata that has been launched from ST3 after ST3 has been closed, as you would risk loosing your unsaved work. This is true even if you re-launch ST3 as the connection to the old instance of Stata will have been permanently broken. Please let me know if you detect any other bugs or if you have requests for additional featuers. You can contact me at mnordin [at] gmx [dot] com.


If you write Stata code containing non-ASCII characters in ST3, you may notice that these characters have been replaced with nonsense when you open the file in Stata's native do-file editor. This is because Stata and ST3 use different encodings. To avoid this issue, you can save your file with a different encoding in ST3. To do so, open File -> Save with encoding, and choose the appropriate encoding. Which encoding is right for you I would imagine depends on your Stata distribution. For most users in Europe and the U.S. you would probably get the correct result by choosing Western (Windows 1252). If that doesn't work, try saving with other encodings.

Missing Features


This is a fork by Sergio Correia of the StataEditor project created by Mattias Nordin.

It is heavily influenced by several other projects:

Thanks to Adrian Adermon and Daniel Forchheimer for helpful suggestions.

Suggestions, code contributions, and pull requests are greatly appreciated!